About Us

Our tutors cover high yield concepts for USMLE STEP 2/3/ CCSE (COMP) exam with detailed discussions on diagnoses, treatments, etc.

About The Team


Dr. Brandon Zarnoth

Meet Vice President & Top MD LLC Lead Tutor Dr. Brandon Zarnoth, a PGY-3 Diagnostic Radiology Resident at SUNY Upstate University in Syracuse, New York. Dr. Zarnoth completed his Internal Medicine Transitional Resident year at Icahn School of Medicine Mount Sinai in New York.

He is currently interested in Breast, MSK, vascular interventional, and Body Imaging for Radiology. Dr. Zarnoth is 1 of 32 International Medical Graduates (IMG) that MATCHED Diagnostic Radiology for the 2022 cycle. With his strong STEP 2 CK Score of 262, and 4+ years of tutoring he has helped many students succeed with their board examinations and medical careers.


Dr. Matthew Simpson

Meet CEO & Founder of Top MD LLC Dr. Matthew Simpson, a PGY-3 Internal Medicine Resident at Allegheny General, Pittsburg, PA.

Dr. Simpson is interested in COPD/Asthma Research & Transplant Medicine. He is currently pursuing a Pulmonary Critical Care fellowship with plans for become a Divisions Head afterwards. Dr. Simpson received over 35+ residency interviews during the 2022 match cycle, and has received over 25+ PCCM interviews as well during the 2024 match cycle. He has been a mentor for residency preparation for the MATCH cycle and has provided interview tips for the MATCH season. With his personal STEP 2 CK score of 250+ accompanied by 5+ years of experience of personal tutoring in Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 3 ensures his high success rates with his students. Dr. Simpson can confidently assure you he will boost your personal board examination scores.


Dr. Farah

Meet COO & President of Top MD LLC Dr. Farah, a PGY-2 Internal Medicine Resident at West Virginia University in WV with plans to apply for Gastroenterology Fellowship after residency.

She has mentored many students to succeed in their medical school journey. She is the NBME Clinical Shelf preparation expert.

She tutors for CCSE Comprehensive exam, Step 2 CK, and NBME Shelf exams. She has had personal success on each NBME Shelf along with over 240’s on Step 2 CK.

With her guidance students have achieved their personal goals.


Dr. John Schiavone

Meet our CBSE/ Step 1 tutor Dr. John Schiavone a PGY-2 Anesthesia Resident at Cook County Health in Syracuse, IL

His approach for USMLE Step 1 has not only resulted in a high score on his Step 1, but he has also helped many students achieve a successful score. He has taught students how to accurately implement active recall, spaced repetition, and test-taking skills. His study routine and hard work are an inspiration for many medical students.


Dr. Adam Wiley

Meet NBME tutor of Top MD LLC Dr. Adam Willey, a PGY-2 Anesthesia Resident at East Tennessee State University in TN

He is our lead tutor for NBME shelf exams. He has testing-taking expertise in all NBME shelf exams. He also tutors students who need foundational strengthening to excel better in their USMLE Step 2. With his teaching style students have been able to break poor study habits!


Allison Palacios

Meet the Biostatistics tutor of Top MD LLC Allison Palacios who is a current PGY-1 Resident in Miami, Florida.

She has received a Master of Arts degree from New York University in Industrial-Organizational Psychology. Her graduate coursework specialized in master’s statistics and applied research methods.

Her biostatistics expertise in all NBME exams guides students through problems of control, selection of variables, non-obtrusive measures, sampling, and all high-yield medical biostatistics.